Scouting mission day one

After spending last night in a lovely AirBnB near Stanstead airport and getting very little sleep, we got up at silly O'clock to head to the airport. We headed to the lounge for a leisurely (4 course for John) breakfast before dashing for our gate because John, an experienced traveler, can't seem to grasp that I can't walk as fast as he can and not being at the gate as early as possible makes me exceedingly anxious particularly when he is pushing in front of a woman with a double buggy to get there! The flight itself was uneventful and we were unloaded quite quickly. John then immediately had to jump onto a couple of business calls so we found somewhere to sit for an hour or so. We picked up our super cheap hire car which, to John's disgust, was a Fiat Panda. He folded inside, grumbled about manual handbrake and that he was having to use gears and off we went. First stop was Wiehl to look at a rather old house but we were rather early so, after finding the house, we ...